Basics Of Technical SEO

Basics Of Technical SEO

Before diving deeper into the world and complexities of SEO, it’s crucial that you first know the basics of technical SEO. There’s no shortcut to learning SEO, and it’s a matter of investing time and being passionate about what you want to know. If you speedrun everything, you might end up not knowing anything at all, gaining mediocre knowledge and experience about something you are supposedly interested in.

What is Technical SEO?

In search results, search engines give preferential treatment to websites that exhibit specific technical characteristics, including a responsive design, a secure connection, or a quick loading time. On the other hand, technical SEO is also the work necessary for ensuring that the target website exhibits these characteristics. In other words, technical SEO is optimizing the technical features of a website to improve the visibility of its pages in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines available. 

Technical optimization is making a website more responsive, easier to crawl, and more intelligible to search engines, among other things. The main objective of SEO, in general, is to be easily found and to enhance one’s ranking in search results.

Understanding The Basics of Technical SEO


The core of any technical SEO strategy and a relevant feature included in the basics of technical SEO is that your site is crawlable. Ensuring that every one of your target pages is crawlable by search engines is the first step in optimizing our website for search engines. It’s termed as “target pages” because there will be times when you will want to prevent particular pages from being crawled actively, which I’ll address in more detail later in this article. Search bots will crawl your pages to collect information about your website.

If these bots are prevented from crawling your pages for some reason, they will be unable to index or rank your pages. The first step is to guarantee that all of your critical pages are easily accessible and navigable to apply technical SEO.


Indexing is the technique by which search engines organize material before searching to provide lightning-fast results to user inquiries. Searching through individual sites for keywords and themes would be an extremely time-consuming and inefficient way to find helpful information. Instead, search engines like Google rely on an inverted index, also known as a reverse index, to rank results.

It is possible to create an inverted index system by compiling a database of text elements, pointers to the documents containing those text components, and storing them together. When this is done, search engines employ a technique known as tokenization to simplify words to their fundamental meaning, hence lowering the number of resources required to recover files. As opposed to listing all known papers against all related searches and characters, this is a considerably more efficient method of searching for information.


The term “rankings” in SEO refers to a website’s position on a search engine results page. According to the search engine, the ranking of a website or URL for targeted keywords or keyword combinations changes from one search engine to the next. A domain may score in the top three positions for a specific phrase on Bing, yet it may not even appear on the first page of Google search results for the same keyword. The exact process is valid for other search engines; for example, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines have their technique for calculating rankings. As a result, each ranks websites differently than the others.

Rankings can also differ when utilizing different language or nation versions of the same search engine, such as Google, which can cause confusion. You can use any searching analysis software package to help you be more knowledgeable about your company’s ranking. These are helpful tools for obtaining insight into and analyzing ranking discrepancies across search engines and other search engines.

The goal of achieving high positions in search results is to drive as many visitors as possible through the organic search channel, which is free. If a page appears higher on a search engine’s results page for a given search query, the likelihood that the searcher will click on that result increases. This demonstrates the direct relationship that exists between high ranks and increasing traffic.

Technically Optimized Website Features


These days, websites must load as quickly as possible. People are becoming more and more impatient and unwilling to wait for a site to load before continuing their browsing. In fact, in 2016, studies found that 53% of mobile web users will leave if a website fails to open within 3 seconds. As a result, if your website is slow, visitors will become annoyed and go on to another website, resulting in you losing out on all of that traffic.

Google understands that sluggish web pages provide a less-than-optimal user experience. As a result, they prefer online pages that load more quickly. As a result, a slow web page is positioned further down the search results page than its speedier counterpart, resulting in even less traffic. In fact, by 2021, Page experience, which refers to how quickly consumers perceive a web page to be, will be included as a ranking criterion on search engines.


Search engines search or spider your website with the help of robots. The robots are assigned to search for material on your site by following links that point to it. Internal linking structures that are effective will ensure that they realize where the most critical information is located on your website.

No dead links

Again, it’s tough to navigate a slow website. 404 error pages are displayed when a link leads to a page that does not exist on your website. Sometimes, ending up on a page that doesn’t exist is much more irritating for visitors than arriving on a slow page.

Not confusing and secure

Having the same content on various pages of your site or even different websites can confuse search engines, resulting in lower rankings. Because if these pages all have the same information, which one should be given the highest ranking? As a result, they may reduce the ranking of all pages that contain the same material.

A website that has been technically optimized is secure. Making your website safe for users to protect their personal information has become an essential requirement.

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