How To Sign Up For Unlimited Profiles On Instant Messaging Apps

How To Sign Up For Unlimited Profiles On Instant Messaging Apps

WhatsApp, Telegram, LINE as well as all other apps for sending instant messages require users to complete mobile phone number verification when signing up for them. This requirement is mandatory and cannot be skipped under any circumstances. So creating additional accounts on those platforms might become a real issue as not everyone has multiple phone numbers available for this purpose. But it is no longer necessary to worry about it. These days you can use such a tool as a virtual number for SMS to sign up for unlimited profiles on any instant messaging app.

Reasons to start using virtual phone numbers

The demand for virtual numbers is growing every day as more and more people find them to be an effective solution to many problems. Of course, an opportunity to register multiple accounts on the same online platform including instant messaging apps is the main one. In this case, virtual phone numbers eliminate the need to buy expensive SIM cards and thereby greatly save free time because they can be purchased and used by anyone just over the internet. However, there are also some other use cases for this feature.

For example, virtual numbers also can help to remain confidential on the web. It is not technically possible to track the location of a person that uses such a number so there is no more need to worry about data thefts and leakages. They are the only way to bypass mobile phone verification for citizens of countries that for some reason are not supported by certain platforms. Thus, virtual phone numbers have many various reasons to operate them.

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Main features of virtual numbers

Earlier virtual numbers were not as popular as they are today. But as new trends in technology have emerged, their features became way more useful for completing various tasks which eventually created a great demand for them. These days they are being regularly operated by millions of internet users. The reasons for this are that virtual phone numbers:

  • Cheaply priced. Most often the price of a virtual number for single registration is only about a few tens of cents. Those that are supposed to sign up for instant messaging apps are usually the cheapest.
  • Can be used at any time of the day. It is only necessary to visit one of the appropriate in order to obtain a virtual phone number. They work round the clock in automatic mode.
  • Completely private and safe. Getting a virtual phone number does not take providing any sort of personal data or something. At the same time, such a number itself cannot be somehow associated by anyone with its user in any way.

In addition, there are no limitations at all on how many virtual numbers one person can activate. This makes it possible to use them for creating literally unlimited number of accounts on any online service that requires completing a mobile verification process during registration including instant messaging apps.

Getting a virtual phone number online

Those who hear about virtual numbers for the first time may think that getting them is a complicated process that takes time and effort. But in fact, there is nothing like that. By using the SMS-Man mobile verification platform anyone can get them within a few minutes. There is even no need to have special knowledge of technologies or something. Here is how it works:

  1. Register a profile at website and verify it.
  2. Top up your balance using a suitable payment method from the payment page.
  3. Switch back to the homepage and choose the parameters of a virtual phone number.
  4. Click the buy button.
  5. Receive the appropriate virtual number.

This is basically everything to do. You have obtained a virtual phone number and can use it to sign up for a specific instant messaging app. Operate it in the same way as a regular number. In order to create another account on the same platform it is enough to just get and activate a new virtual number. There are no limitations on how many of them anyone can get so it wouldn’t cause any issues.

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