Skin nourishing oil to moisturize the skin.

Skin nourishing oil to moisturize the skin.

Many people may not dare to use oil on their skin. for fear that the skin will become greasy and clog pores. But did you know that using plant-derived oils has been a popular skin and hair treatment for a long time? If you choose the right type of oil for your skin type, it will help keep your skin soft and hydrated by making it oily or clogging your skin.

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The oils used for the skin are generally extracted from natural plants. There are many types, each providing different nourishment, such as moisturizing the skin. Help reduce redness. and help reduce irritation from acne and rosacea dermatitis

5 body oils to keep skin hydrated

Body oils contain a variety of skin-beneficial ingredients, including polyphenols, fatty acids and antioxidants. Which helps nourish the skin to be moisturized and even out the color of the skin. The oils that are commonly used on the skin are as follows:

– coconut oil

Coconut oil is obtained by extracting oil from coconut meat. It contains fatty acids that help restore skin. such as linoleic acid, which helps retain moisture in the skin, and lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties. The use of coconut oil on the skin is therefore suitable for people with dry skin. by applying on the face and body instead of the moisturizer (Moisturizer) that can be used

The type of coconut oil suitable for applying to the skin should be unrefined coconut oil and virgin coconut oil or extra virgin coconut oil because they are more beneficial to the skin than other types of coconut oil.

However, applying coconut oil to your skin may not be suitable for people with oily skin. Because it is a heavy oil and can clog the skin, people with sensitive skin should also be careful when using coconut oil. Do an allergy test before use by applying a small amount of coconut oil to your skin. And start using a small amount first. If there is irritation or blockage should stop using.

– Argan Oil

Argan oil is an oil derived from the seeds of the argan tree found in Morocco. The pulp is scraped off the fresh argan and the seeds are dried or dried. Then the oil is extracted from the seeds. Argan oil contains many skin nourishing substances. Both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and phenolic compounds (Phenolic Compounds), which have antioxidant properties, help slow down aging and accelerate the healing process of wounds on the skin.

From some research, it was found that Applying argan oil daily to your skin might improve skin elasticity. strengthen the skin’s protective barrier Argan oil is also used to treat eczema, rosacea, and certain skin diseases.

– Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is high in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids, and vitamin E. which helps nourish the skin to be moist reduces inflammation and help restore the skin from wounds faster

Grape seed oil is a lightweight oil. People with sensitive skin can use it as the risk of skin irritation is lower than that of other oils. Grape seed oil can be applied on the skin instead of a nourishing serum, or mixed with a face and body moisturizer to add extra moisture during the night.

– Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil, or jojoba oil, is an oil extracted from plants native to North America. with properties similar to natural oils on the skin thereby helping to balance the oil production process of the skin Reduces excess oil that can cause acne. And may be used to treat certain types of skin diseases such as psoriasis, sunburn, dry and cracked skin, as well as to nourish the hair and scalp as well.

There are several ways to use jojoba oil. Those with oily skin can apply jojoba oil to their face as a moisturizer both in the morning and at bedtime. And people with sensitive skin may use jojoba oil on their body instead of a moisturizer. Jojoba oil may also be mixed with essential oils. like pomegranate oil and green tea to help soothe the skin after being exposed to sunlight Or use in combination with products containing Licorice Extract to help reduce the appearance of dark spots and even out skin tone.

– Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is a skin oil known for its moisturizing and radiance. Rosehip oil is extracted from the fruit and seeds of the wild rose plant. Contains linoleic acid and linolenic acid that provide good moisture to the skin. thereby preventing dry, peeling and itchy skin.

Rosehip oil is also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. which stimulates the exfoliation of old and dead skin cells and accelerates the creation of new skin cells to replace thereby reducing the appearance of dark spots. Adjust the skin color to be even and look more radiant.

In addition, other types of skin oils extracted from plants include olive oil, sunflower seed oil. Almond oil and shea butter are also helpful in hydrating the skin.

How to use oil on the skin safely without harming the skin

The selection of skin oils should be chosen according to your skin type. Those with oily or acne-prone skin should choose a light-textured facial oil to reduce clogging. and use heavy oil like coconut oil To apply the skin instead By starting with a small amount first, if the oil is applied to the skin, it feels greasy and does not absorb into the skin. should reduce the amount of use

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In addition, when using oil for skin, there are some things you should know and be careful of:

– Should do an allergy test before starting to use the oil on the skin. By placing a small amount of oil on the forearm for at least 24 hours if allergic reactions occur. like a burning sensation or a rash Such oils should not be used on the skin.

– Buy body oil from a reputable retailer. and read product labels carefully before purchasing. The label must specify the name and type of cosmetic, ingredients, method of use, manufacturer and importer. Month and year of manufacture and warnings

– Use the oil to apply to the skin only externally. And should not apply oil near the eye area as it may cause irritation.

– People with sensitive skin should opt for body oils that do not contain preservatives, fragrances and alcohol. In addition, using essential oils mixed with skin oils may cause an allergic reaction. If the use of essential oils causes redness, itching, peeling, and a burning sensation. should stop using immediately

– Store the oil in an area out of direct sunlight or in the refrigerator. To prevent the heat that can cause the oil to deteriorate on the skin.

– those who are pregnant, breastfeed or planning a pregnancy You should consult your doctor before using the oil on your skin.

Skin oil is rich in vitamins. antioxidant And essential fatty acids that are beneficial to nourish the skin to be soft, moisturized and naturally radiant. Therefore, choosing the right body oil for your skin type will help nourish the skin without making it greasy and clogging pores.

However, if there is an allergic reaction, you should stop using it and seek immediate medical attention. It can be observed with a red rash, itching and peeling skin, or a severe allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis, such as difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, and chest pain after using the oil on the skin.


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